My years at HBICS made me stronger and took me a step ahead to becoming successful. Because of Harapan Bangsa, I was able to compete as a finalist in a National Level Science Olympiad. Which now has led me to attend the University of Indonesia.
Shmily Evania SoenAlumni SMAK Harapan Bangsa Tahun Ajaran 2020 (Univ. Indonesia - Fakultas Teknologi Bioproses)
I went to HBICS up until 11th grade. I don't graduate High School, however I decided to take college as a replacement of my High School degree and because of HBICS programs I was able to do that. Graduating HBICS for me means leaving temporally but still having a family here in HBICS.
Thio Theresa AimeeAlumni SMAK Harapan Bangsa, Kelas 2020
750+ Siswa/i di Happy Holy Kids dan Sekolah Harapan Bangsa, 50+ Guru-guru Bertalenta, 500+ Lulusan Terbaik